Happiness in the Workplace

I recently read an excellent article as well on the role of emotions in the workplace http://hbr.org/2013/11/emotional-agility/ar/1. Inspired by this I thought that, as the work week begins, I thought I would share some advice/strategies for employees to find greater satisfaction and happiness in the workplace.

1. There are several well-studied keys to happiness. Some that can be fostered at work include practicing gratitude. Employers who encourage this by promoting meaningful charitable deeds have happier workforces. Along with that goes practicing acts of kindness, which has great payback as well.

2. Taking care of physical health is another key to happiness. Research shows that physically healthy people are happier and more productive.

3. Social support is a huge factor in happiness. Fostering group activities and sharing of common experiences can go a long way towards creating happier employees.