Best Foods For Your Skin

Ever wonder what the best foods for your skin are? There are a number of factors and foods that effect the look of your skin. Dietary antioxidants help fight signs of aging and can prevent cellular damage from damaging UV rays while essential oils and fatty acids aid in maintaining a soft and smooth complexion. Additionally, certain vitamins and minerals aid in the prevention of acne and wrinkles.

For example, Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties that help lower risk of skin cancer and decrease redness and burning from UV damage. Foods high in Omega-3’s include salmon, sardines, flaxseed and walnuts. Additionally, plant-based Omega-3’s (chia seeds, walnuts, flaxseed) improve skin elasticity and help fight acne. Green tea has also been shown to decrease skin blotchiness and discoloration associated with sunburns.


Vitamins E & C promote collagen growth, an important factor in wrinkles. For Vitamin E – try nuts, leafy vegetables, whole grains and avocados and for Vitamin C look for trusty oranges, papayas, red bell peppers, kiwis, kale and strawberries.


Foods high in zinc also aid in fighting wrinkles by improving skin elasticity and prevent acne – look for high levels of zinc in red meat, oysters, shellfish, lentils and eggs. Copper and magnesium are also imporant minerals for promoting collagen growth – for copper look to whole grains, legumes and cherries and magnesium try spinach, cashews, peanuts, soybeans and pimento & kidney beans.