Diet! The four-letter word!

As the Founding Director and Executive Chef of Los Angeles’ premier healthy food company, NutriFit, author of Amazon top-100 bestseller, Body After Baby: The Simple 30-Day Plan to Lose Your Baby Weight (Avery/Penguin) and a Board Certified Professional Health Coach, I am often asked about DIETING. Well, in a paragraph, here it is…

I don’t ever think of my eating regimen as a diet. Diet is a four-letter word that evokes deprivation. My attitude towards food is a welcoming one because I’ve learned to love vegetables, fruit and wholesome lean proteins. I’ve eaten this way for nearly 30 years and love the way it makes me feel. I also wear smaller sizes than I ever did when I went on a diet (but the last time I did that was nearly 30 years ago), because I’ve also embraced daily exercise and rigorous, regular activity. It clears my mind, improves my mood and is the cornerstone of my health maintenance plan, along with the food that I eat. I am almost never sick, and I mend and heal quickly. I have tremendous energy and credit my eating and exercise with all of these side benefits.

If you need a little help loving the enormous variations in delicious but healthy meals that can be prepared, try a few deliveries of NutriFit. With over 3,000 unique recipes I created using the finest ingredients, you can see how eating healthy is easy and not a DIET!